Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Masks: New Bullying Tool of the Left

(6/16/2020) KWOB News

Democrats this year finally have a plan that will expose the Silent Majority that has served them so many defeats in previous years, while also destroying small business that has been the source of opposition to big government in both campaign contributions and voting numbers that call for the decrease in the size of government.

With the failure of the Democrat party to recruit a candidate with the ability to defeat President Trump in November, former Clinton campaign manager James Carville and other operatives have been given the green light to invent a new method of manipulating the oldest campaign trick in the book: intimidation.

The 'divide and conquer' strategy is designed to put brother against brother, family member against family member, and friend against friend, forcing Americans to decide whether to appease the ill informed or submit to the authority of the Democrat party.

After successfully scaring the population with the threat of this year's flu, Democrats and their media have invented public opinion to support a feeling that refusal to wear a mask is an unhealthy, irresponsible, and even an illegal practice.

The next step is to empower the bullying of Americans who refuse to wear masks until they either hide in the homes and withdraw from society or submit to the mob rule majority, being led by the ultra-minority of Carville and his Democrat strategists.

Refusal to wear a mask will literally unmask the Silent Majority that has ruined fascist and socialist leaders and their attempt to win elections going back to the Reagan era, finally giving domestic terrorists a chance to identify their opponents who had been hiding behind the secrecy of the voting booth.

Once identified with their refusal to cover their mouths, a symbol of their silencing, the Silent Majority will be subject to everything from having their cars keyed at the grocery store to having their homes burned down.

Serving a duel purpose, the cost of adhering to nonsensical and arbitrary health policy will also present a cost to small businesses that will be too great for many to survive. Either implement expensive hand-washing, sterilizing, and mask providing, or face bullying in the form of looting, boycotting, and harassment.

Other small businesses will be attacked through arbitrary shutdowns of any business not already being bribed and bullied by the government, such as the large corporations that are too scared to take  a political stance contrary to the Left.

Should the election result in President Biden and his running mate Kamela Harris, Biden's likely withdrawal due to mental deficiencies will result in President Harris' ability to reform government in the image of the Left.

A victory for Trump will mean another four years of random flu and cold attacks that will further wear down political opposition on the right.

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